How You Doin.?
"How are you?" Is it just a greeting? A formality when beginning a conversation or do you ask because you genuinely care to know?
If you're a friend or family member of mine and you never ask how have I been, "you gon learn today". This simple question has never held as much weight as it does now in my life. Once I notice that you always seem to skip past asking about me to ramble on about yourself, that fact that you never ask about my life and general well being is a relationship deal breaker.
"How are you?" isn't a formality for me in my personal life, it conveys that you care and are interested in knowing about someone. When I ask it's because I care to know if you're okay or not. I care to know any recent events and if you're happy. If you're emotionally, mentally and physically stable and living the best life you can- because if you aren't I then want to help you get there any way I can.
The basic foundation of a friendship is caring about the well being of your girl/guy and are willing to help him/her with whatever all the while having fun and creating memories.
Me personally, if you don't ask about how I am, ever, i take it as you not caring. Period point blank. I take it very personally from my friends and there will be a legit problem.
If you don't actually care about me- me, meaning my life and being as a whole, it then poses one question: ———>
All seriousness though, if you aren't interested in my life, I see no reason why you're here. Is it because you there are perks, you just want my help or is it because you're just use to having me around. Either way that's not cool in my book. I want my friend circle to be filled with people who are genuine, are in my corner and simply care about me.
Asking a friend how they are also opens up a dialogue of expression and vulnerability. It aids you in discovering more about a person, establishes a level of comfort whereas you feel you can confide and express freely to that person therefore enabling you to make a connection.
Now, I know there are some people out there who probably say they just don't think about it or they just assume that a friend is just going to talk about themselves etc.. so I'm not going to question your lack of manners, just be more mindful next time. You don't want to come off as self indulgent, rude or careless. If you actually think about it, you too would want to feel as if you're friends care about what you have going on, so just ask.